Do you dream to live rural and ecological? Then your future is a Masseria

Do you dream of a rural and ecological life? Then your future is a masseria

The dream of a better, easier, and more genuine life,  dedicated to yourself, in proportion to the growth of the discomfort that invades the lives of many people. The good news is that the possibility of change is not so remote because of the vast rural heritage of our country, the new development opportunities implemented by the regions and the desire of entire groups of people to adhere to promoting sustainable and integrated use of the resources of the territory.
What are the rural homes or the farmhouse?
They are commonly called masseries, are ancient rural buildings characterized by big lands where houses have been built (for those who permanently lived in the farm); Storages and stables (where animals were ground and grown). All of these elements have been combined together or part of them (often around an open central courtyard, especially in the south and in the Italian islands).
Systems have changed over the years according to the needs and the development of agriculture and livestock, the potentialities and the needs of the territory.
How they can become an opportunity for change
Community policies under this new government in the last decade of the last century, are geared towards the revival of agriculture by rediscovering the figure of the farmer not only as a food producer but also as a landscape producer.
The farmer has therefore become a decisive actor in achieving environmental quality standards, a producer of recreational services and social value. This innovation in terms of definition has led to many initiatives in the field of rural tourism, agritourism and local foodstuffs . Click here to read full article from Houzz

Here are some of SIS Property and Tourism farms for sale:

masseria farms for sale sannicola puglia